Wednesday, 11 December 2013

To be completed in lesson on Friday 13th December

18. Study source C.
 How useful is source C to a historian studying  the  success of law enforcement in the Norman period?

Use source C and your own knowledge to explain your answer.  (8marks)

Source C:
Written shortly after William I’s death in a book called The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

“He made the country safe.  Any person could travel through his kingdom without injury, with his purse full of gold.  No one dared to strike another, no matter how much he was wronged… William was very tough and violent so that no one dared to disobey him.”

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Smuggling homework

You must complete the smuggling sheet by colour coding the boxes according to the categories below

1. Shows govt responsible for smuggling. 
2. Explains why people smuggled.  
3. Shows public support for smuggling. 
4. Shows govt takes smuggling seriously.  
5. Shows smuggling is not taking seriously.

You must also answer the exam question below under timed conditions in 15 minutes.

"Why were the laws against smuggling so difficult to enforce in the 18th Century?" (12 Marks)

Due in Tuesday 10th December

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

You will be answering this exam question in class next week (25/11) so get preparing

3. What do sources A and B show about changes in punishments between the Roman period and the Anglo-Saxon period?
Explain you answer using sources A and B and your own knowledge.  (8 marks) 

Source A:

Extract from the Twelve Tables, 451BC
“For the fracture of a bone (or a tooth) of a freeman the penalty is 300 asses; in the case of a slave, 150.  For any injury whatsoever committed upon another, 25 asses…
A person setting fire to a house or haystack near a house, if acting intentionally and with sound mind, shall be bound, whipped and put to death by fire…”

Source B:
Extract from 9th century Anglo-Saxon payments of the  wergeld to be paid by the guilty person.
“For killing a chorel or labourer – 200 shillings.
For killing a bishop -1200 shillings
For killing an archbishop -3600 shillings”

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Assessment booklet homework

Please complete questions 2 &3 in your assessment booklet.

You can do these in the booklet or on lined paper but you must include your name and the question.

Due Monday 18th November

Monday, 4 November 2013

Outlaw homework

You have two pieces of homework this week.

1.  You must get a large (level arch style) folder so that you can transfer and store your work on 50AD - 1350AD. You must keep this safe as you will need it for revision next year.

2.  Read the A3 sheet on outlaws and complete all tasks and questions - DUE IN THURSDAY 7TH NOV

You should have you folder by next week.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Punishment comparison sheet

You need to complete the punishment comparison sheet you were given in class.  Use the work in your folders to complete the sections on the Romans and Anglo-Saxons and the green textbook in class to complete the Norman section.

This is due Thursday 10th October

Monday, 30 September 2013

Roman Vs Anglo-Saxon summary homework

You must complete your summary sheet.  In the Roman column explain Roman attitudes, crimes, punishment and policing.  Next do the same but for the Anglo-Saxons.  In the final column you must identify any areas of change and continuity (where things stay the same).  To be super successful you could also comment on why you think changes happened.

Due Wednesday 2nd October

Monday, 16 September 2013

Roman summary homework

Complete your Roman summary sheet and answer the 6 mark question below.  The question should be no more than half an A4 page and take about 15 mins.

Describe Roman punishments.  (6 marks)

Due Thursday 19th September

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Year 10 Boudicca homework

OResearch Boudicca’s revolt against the Romans.

OProduce a half page explanation of what happened and answer “Why were Boudicca’s actions considered such serious crimes by the Romans?”
Due Thursday 12th September

Monday, 9 September 2013

Year 11 Homework

OEllis Island research –

Take the tour and note down:

1.What happened when immigrants arrived at Ellis island

2.Details of regulations/rules/questions etc.

3.Who would not be allowed in?

Due Tuesday 10th Sept

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Homework from lesson 16th April

If you did not finish your notes on the US presidents and their impact on Civil Rights you need to complete this at home before Thursday's lesson.  You should have taken any worksheets you needed with you but if you missed any then come and collect them from H3.  Please return these sheets when you have finished with them.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Easter homework

Over the next four weeks you need to

  1. Complete all flash cards on topics you have studied
  2. Complete all the questions in the assessment booklet except the 10 mark questions
  3. Complete both work booklets you were given in class using the information booklets to help you.
This is all due in on the 22nd April

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Homework Due 22nd March

You need to revise for Civil Rights Mock Exam 2 and complete the following 8 mark question.

"Why was the March of Washington important to the Civil Rights Movement? (8 marks)"

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Homework Due 14th March

You need to complete your mind map on the 1963 March to Washington if you did not complete it in class.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Homework due Thursday 7th March

Complete exam questions handed out in class.

Describe the Montgomery Bus Boycott (4)
4/5 detailed descriptive sentences.
Using sources A&B and your own knowledge explain why travel on public transport had changed for some black Americans by the end of 1956 (6) 
3 explained points – A&B&O.K – change!!
Explain why the Montgomery Bus Boycott was a turning point/so important to the fight for equality of black Americans (8)
3/4 well explained reasons why important.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Homework due Tuesday 5th March

Based on your marked mock exams, select any questions which you feel you have not performed well enough on and re do these.  The re-writes must be handed in on Tuesday's lesson.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Snow Work

Please use your lesson time today to do some research on the Ku Klux Klan.  You can also use the extra time to work on your flash cards and to have another go at some of your foreign policy exam questions.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Flash Cards homework

You need to complete all your revision flash cards on US Foreign Policy using your textbook and exercise book by Tuesday 29th January.