Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Easter homework

Over the next four weeks you need to

  1. Complete all flash cards on topics you have studied
  2. Complete all the questions in the assessment booklet except the 10 mark questions
  3. Complete both work booklets you were given in class using the information booklets to help you.
This is all due in on the 22nd April

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Homework Due 22nd March

You need to revise for Civil Rights Mock Exam 2 and complete the following 8 mark question.

"Why was the March of Washington important to the Civil Rights Movement? (8 marks)"

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Homework Due 14th March

You need to complete your mind map on the 1963 March to Washington if you did not complete it in class.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Homework due Thursday 7th March

Complete exam questions handed out in class.

Describe the Montgomery Bus Boycott (4)
4/5 detailed descriptive sentences.
Using sources A&B and your own knowledge explain why travel on public transport had changed for some black Americans by the end of 1956 (6) 
3 explained points – A&B&O.K – change!!
Explain why the Montgomery Bus Boycott was a turning point/so important to the fight for equality of black Americans (8)
3/4 well explained reasons why important.